Team Members

Meet Our Team

The LoveLight Global consulting team has accomplished individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds, disciplines, and professions. This diversity of talent brings subject matter expertise on day one of your engagement that fosters our key questions towards a plan to help you attain your goals.

Helene Finizio, M.A.P.P.
Chief Executive Officer

Founder of LoveLight Global, she manages private clients in her own private practice for over 20 years. She’s excited to expand her processes to bigger businesses.

Greg Quinting, M.A.P.P., Ph.d. (Chemistry)
Chief Analytical Officer and Advisor

Greg brings all of what he has learned about achievement as well as his passion to build upon, share and apply that which he learned to Lovelight Global and its clients.

Victor Finizio M.B.A
Implementation Team Advisor

Victor works closely with clients to translate their strategy and requirements into product opportunity plans. He brings big levels of expertise from his work at places like 3M and with his training in Six-Sigma.   

Ken Krieger
Chief Information Officer

Bob Ouriel
Chief Legal Officer